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在二月份,我们迎来了黑人历史月. 这是庆祝这段非凡历史的时刻, 黑人社区的文化和成就, as well as recognize the challenges they have faced over the course of centuries.

今年,奥戈萨·伊达霍萨,我们的成员 员工包容网络Ujima分享了他的故事.


我叫奥古萨, and I started at TC Energy as an intern in 2021 and am now a civil engineer-in-training based in Calgary.

My family moved to Calgary from Nigeria when I was 13 years old as my father wanted to provide better opportunities for me and my two younger sisters. 我们是一个关系紧密、互相支持的家庭. 我意志坚强, intellectual father and compassionate mother have both played significant roles in shaping who I am today. 



One of those characteristics that they nurtured is my endless curiosity and desire to understand the world around me.

When I was young, this meant learning how to play the drums at the age of three. 然后我拿起钢琴、吉他、贝斯、萨克斯管和小号. 我还发现了对唱歌的热爱! 作为一个生活在北美的音乐家, 我对音乐的热情与我的尼日利亚血统紧密相连, 因为美国音乐深深植根于黑人音乐.




然而, it wasn’t until I was a teenager that I began my deep dive and interest into understanding Black history. 我读过马丁·路德·金的书.’s letter written during his time in jail, which opened my eyes to the struggles my ancestors faced. 我也开始反思这些挣扎的根本原因——是的, a group of people told themselves a story of superiority over another group of people – but it was also due to broken systems, 人们固守着熟悉和惯性. This understanding gives me hope because we can change broken systems – but we need to educate ourselves and honour Black history beyond just this month for that to be possible. 

去年,我在尼日利亚的祖母去世了. 当她去世时, 大量的故事和教训丢失了, 与我家族历史的重要联系现在永远消失了. It reminded me of Ernest Hemingway’s famous quote: “Every man has two deaths: when he is buried in the ground and the last time someone says his name.“它很美,同时也很忧郁. When it comes to my family history – Black history – my goal is to postpone that second death for as long as possible and to let the memories linger.

同样地, I believe the key to changing systemic bias lies in preserving the memories of our Black roots and understanding the history that brought us here. By reminding ourselves and each other of our individual and collective histories, 我们可以改变支配我们的系统.

现在,作为TC能源公司最新的 员工包容网络,宇岛, 关注黑人社区和我们的盟友, 我帮助策划活动, 参加演讲活动,传播意识. This is part of my fight against that second death – a fight to keep the history of the Black community alive and remembered, so that our rich legacy continues to positively influence not only the present but also the future.

I’m excited to see positive movement happening – that we are working towards a diversity of thought in every room and illuminating paths that may have previously seemed inaccessible to certain groups.

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